By continuing to use the site, you agree to all the terms set out below without any reservations.
Terms of Use
The User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") defines the procedure for using the website hosted on the Internet at: / (hereinafter referred to as "PDF-Tools"). The User is obliged to read the Agreement before using PDF-Tools.
1. The User agrees not to take actions that may be considered as violating legislation or norms of international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright and/or related rights, generally accepted norms of morality, as well as any actions that lead or may lead to disruption of the normal operation of PDF-Tools.
2. The Administration of PDF-Tools is not responsible and has no direct or indirect obligations to the User in connection with any possible or incurred losses or damages related to any content of PDF-Tools or the functioning of PDF-Tools.
3. The User agrees that the Administration of PDF-Tools does not bear any responsibility and does not have any obligations in connection with advertising that may be posted on PDF-Tools.
4. The User agrees to the processing of personal information, which is understood as:
4.1. Personal information that the User provides about himself during the use of PDF Tools, including personal data of the User.
4.2. Data that is automatically transmitted to PDF-Tools during its use using the software installed on the User's device, including IP address, cookie data, information about the User's browser (or other program through which PDF-Tools are accessed), technical specifications of the hardware and software used by the User, the date and time of access to the services, the addresses of the requested pages and other similar information.
5. PDF-Tools collects only the personal information that is necessary for the purpose of functioning of PDF-Tools (enabling the User to use the functionality of PDF-Tools).
6. The confidentiality of the User's personal information is maintained.
7. The processing of the User's personal information is carried out without limitation in the following ways: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, including in personal data information systems with using automation tools or without using such tools.
8. All personal information provided by the User is immediately deleted after the termination of the use of PDF-Tools functionality. Termination of the use of PDF-Tools functionality is equivalent to revocation of consent to the processing of personal information.
9. The use of materials and functionality of PDF-Tools is regulated by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. All possible disputes arising from or related to this Agreement are subject to resolution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
10. The court's recognition of any provision of the Agreement as invalid or non-enforceable does not invalidate other provisions of the Agreement.
11. Inaction on the part of the PDF-Tools Administration in case of violation by any of the Users of the provisions of the Agreement does not deprive the PDF-Tools Administration of the right to take appropriate actions later to protect its interests and protect copyrights to PDF-Tools materials protected in accordance with the law.
12. The PDF-Tools Administration has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement at any time. Such changes come into force from the moment of publication of the new version of the Agreement.
13. If the User does not agree with the Agreement or with the changes made, he is obliged to refuse access to PDF-Tools, stop using PDF-Tools materials and services.
14. Using PDF-Tools, the User accepts this Agreement without any reservations or exceptions. The use of PDF-Tools also means the User's unconditional consent to the terms of processing of his personal information specified in the Agreement; in case of disagreement with these terms, the User must refrain from using PDF-Tools.
15. The agreement is drawn up in Russian and English. When interpreting the provisions of the Agreement, preference is given to the Russian version of the Agreement.
The PDF-Tools website is designed to help Users work with PDF files. The development of the site is ongoing, so new features will be added soon.
Portable Document Format (PDF) is a cross–platform open format for electronic documents. This format is primarily intended for the presentation of a variety of printed products in electronic form. The PDF format allows you to embed a variety of fonts, vector and bitmap images, shapes, etc.